Thank you for your referral to STVS. We work in conjunction with our referring DVMS so your clients can receive the best care possible at all times. We want this process to be convenient and efficient for DVMs and have created an easy online 3-Step process below.
In addition to the online form, please send the patient’s current medical records, lab work, or any other related information VIA EMAIL to STVS prior to their appointment. Thank you.
Provide the pet owner with a completed New Patient Referral Card. This card will serve as a reminder card and include STVS contact information along with a map and location address in preparation for their upcoming appointment.
Click below for a PDF copy of the New Patient Referral Card. To order more Referral Cards, please call the clinic at 210.962.5388.
South Texas Veterinary Surgery at SAVS
4522 De Zavala Road, San Antonio, Texas 78249
Email :
Phone : 210.962.5388 Fax : 210.998.6830