We are a referral-only hospital specializing in small animal surgery. We partner closely with your primary veterinarian to ensure the best surgical care for your pet. If your pet may need surgery, your primary veterinarian will refer you to our facility and submit recent lab work and imaging. Once we receive your referral, a team member will contact you to schedule a surgical consultation and set up your hospital file to reduce paperwork on the day of your visit. Your primary veterinarian will be informed of your appointment details.
Consultation and Surgery Hours
A deposit is required prior to leaving your pet for surgery, and the balance is due when you pick up your pet. STVS is a cashless facility. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express. We also accept Care Credit and Scratch Pay. You can apply online for Care Credit by visiting www.CareCredit.com or apply online for Scratch Pay at www.Scratchpay.com
While on the hospital property, and within the building, all pets must be properly restrained on a leash or in a secure carrier. If you require a leash for your pet, please let us know and we will promptly supply one for you.
For the safety of your pet, and other clients and pets, please do not allow your pet to socialize with other animals or clients. New surroundings and experiences can be stressful, and some pets can become unexpectedly reactive and respond in an unpredictable manner. Please be sure to always stay attentive to your pet.
To help us maintain a clean and healthy environment, please follow these guidelines during your visit:
To avoid running out, please contact us before your pet’s medication runs low. STVS can refill prescriptions related to your pet’s surgical procedure within 1 month of the original prescription date.
How to Request a Refill:
Outside Pharmacy Refills: If you’d like a refill from an outside pharmacy, please contact the pharmacy directly to follow their refill process.
Medications from Your Primary Veterinarian: For non-surgical medications, feel free to contact your primary veterinarian for refills.
San Antonio Veterinary Specialists is a tobacco free facility. Smoking or vaping is not permitted in ANY part of our hospital.